Monday, March 1, 2010

Three Inspirational Poems

Three Inspirational Poems~

Let Me

A Prayer

Let this face, upturned

Reflect the light of heaven.

Let these hands, fresh washed

In blood, help cleanse the hearts of men.

Let these lips, speak words not their own

To turn the lost from their way.

Let my walk, mirror His

Who follows paths of holiness.

Let this heart, wait patient~

For the day I will wake in likeness of

Your purity.


So be it unto me!

Great God, Unsearchable

Reflections on Isaiah 40:28-31

You asked me if I'd heard or known

How greatly You sit on Your throne,

How awesome is Your painted sky

And Your love, my alibi.

Your understanding You describe

As unsearchable, and when I

Look on the sky, from my high perch

I know its true, You cannot lie.

Indeed the entire universe

Proclaims your might

In eloquent verse

Both day and night!

Gently you do prod me

Asking "Have you heard?"

And truly I must answer

Your Greatness exceeds the word~

That told to me did promise

Might and power to the weak

And a never failing shower

Of Your presence and Your peace.

Can I help but trust in You?

You are great God, unsearchable

Your ways are high and pure

I know that You are able

To keep me from Death's lure.

I'll see You in the dark times

In the easy, with me You'll walk

And lead me on to victory

To You I'll always call.

I am Your child, great God unsearchable.

Teach Me

Fear, my Lord,

Your love casts out

So make me perfect

Without doubt!

You are prodding,

My heart you're pricking,

My chin is nodding,

But my fear's still sticking.

Is this weak vessel

Strong enough

To hold the damn

Where sin is tough?

Is this weak vessel

Weak enough

To only stand in

Love's simple stuff?

Only You know.

Yet You call me to go.

Teach me now

Your heart, Your way.

Let me in on

That secret stay.

The stay which no force of hell

Can breach~

I am so willing, Lord

Do, kindly teach!

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