Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oh How He Loves

I have known God as Maker, Guide, Teacher, and Father. But I have never known Jesus as Beloved. I always thought it kind of strange for people to think of Him that way.
   Lately I find myself glancing up into a chandelier or something and suddenly knowing the warmth of His gaze. Like a girl who glances to see who walked in the door and catches her Significant Other smiling at her from a distance. It makes your heart stop.

  When I feel down about something the Holy Spirit whispers some comforting thing to my heart and I smile a secret smile--knowing something no one else can see from the external--I am in love. 

  Sometimes I share jokes with Jesus. I laugh about something and I know He think its funny that I am humored by something so small. After all, He has a Great sense of humor quite unlike our finite human humor. 

  When I am trying to sacrifice something to Him and feel self-pity I sometimes think He winks at me as if to say, "In the big picture this is so small. You can do it!" Then I smile with Him at my own silliness and the sacrifice becomes so much easier. 

  He loves doing little things to take care of me.  
I had been struggling through some stuff the first week of the tour and had been keeping a record of my thoughts and feelings in a little blue notebook. When I had had enough I finally decided to surrender my struggle to Jesus and woke up the next morning feeling so free and happy and at peace. Well, I wrote down these things in my little book too and finished with the words: "Jesus has covered it with Grace and has given me liberty. I am so happy!"
  Then I set the little book down on the dock I was sitting on. As I did so a huge gust of wind picked up the book and threw it into the water! As I watched it float away I knew that Jesus was saying, "Its finished. You learned the lesson and won't forget it. Let it go."
  It was the most beautiful object lesson He has taught me.

Also this morning we had a really early call time but my room mates and I decided we wanted to get up at 6am and talk a walk to see the sunrise on the bay. My alarm rang at 6 this morning and Jesus told me not to get up yet, so I didn't. I found out when I got up 45 minutes later that it was raining outside and the we couldn't have gone anyways. If I had gotten up I wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep. Jesus knew just what I needed!

There is nothing I can say to express how much I treasure my Savior's love. But, Oh! How He loves His children!


  1. :) I dont think I can say enough to add to this beautiful blog. Thank you dear dear sister for this and your pure heart that yearns for Him

  2. I enjoyed reading this. So beautiful! He is revealing Himself to you in such a marvelous way.
