Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is God Concerned about my Homework???

After a long day spent tying up all my loose ends before heading out on Spring tour with the Moody Chorale this weekend, I am reminded of how faithful God really is. 
    Homework is something I don't usually fret about--and while that appear to be procrastination--I'm convinced that God has been in charge of my chaotic work load all this semester. No wonder I'm not overwhelmed and yet this is midterm week! Speaking of midterms, I had one this last monday, though I didn't remember this at the time. I went in to class as usual, half-asleep, having spent the previous night catching up with my family in Texas via Skype. (wonderful invention, by the way) 
   Suddenly the tense atmosphere in the classroom got to me as the students waited for our professor to arrive. I saw a few of my classmates scanning their notes and wondered, "Did I miss something?"
I had indeed forgotten that Music Theory II was having a midterm that day. "Oh, well," I thought "I'll do my best." But I also said a quick prayer and hoped God had known what He was doing when He forgot to remind me about my test. Funny thing is, I got an A on the exam.
   Another one of those fortunate little breakthroughs happened just this evening. All last week I spent several hours in Doane's computer lab composing a nice little song for a music class assignment. I wrote a poem and decided on a melody and chord structure, and I made sure I had the required sixteen measures. Tuesday I went into class with my assignment--due anytime this week--all printed out with my name on it. Dr. Rownd happened to mention that our "Love song to Jesus" needed to have two dominant sevenths in it. I realized I'd forgotten that stipulation and was a dominant seventh short! 
    So I kept it on the front of my mind like a sticky note stuck to my desk--"rework the keyboarding assignment."
   Finally, Thursday night--very last minute--I ran into the computer lab and prayed for a miracle. It takes me forever to get anything done on the Finale software and being a perfectionist AND an idealist I tend to make things as hard as possible on my composing. I had an hour till curfew and--all the praise to God--I got the assignment done. Oh, did I mention I started from scratch and composed an entirely new piece, lyrics and everything? Yeah, God is awesome.
    Well, tomorrow I'm supposed to have gotten into a small group for my Contemporary Islam class and decided what topic to write a research paper on. I guess I should be worried about the fact that the one person I talked to about partnering with is auditing the class and couldn't help me. Maybe I should be concerned about the fact that I haven't a clue what my topic should be for this paper. I don't know...perhaps this is just a little bit too big for God to handle in less than 24 hours. 

What do you think?


  1. Great testimonies!! I love it. How did the islam paper turn out?

  2. I didn't have to do it. The professor let us go on spring break without having to worry about it. I had a feeling something like that would happen. All the praise to Jesus...He took care of everything.
